

Chicken thin crust

Meaty legend deep dish
**** (4 stars)
Gino’s has a great ambiance, mostly because of the graffiti. It’s everywhere. Well, not EVERYWHERE. The inside joke is that every surface at Gino’s is covered in graffiti except the restroom,s which are spotless.
Oh, and they have pizza. Deep dish pizza. So deep that I can even print the word for how deep it is. But it is as deep as that. It’s also pretty good. I admit I’m not a huge deep dish fan, but the crust here has cornmeal, which helps, and there is lots of good tasting filling. Be aware that it takes a good 45 minutes to cook your pizza.
Their thin crust pizza doesn’t take quite that long. The crust isn’t actually all that thin, though, just thinner.
The place is large and busy, so service isn’t super attentive, but it’s adequate. If you’ve always wanted to try deep dish pizza, I’d say this is your best bet.
Gino’s East – Magnificent Mile
162 E Superior St
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 266-3337